Habbo NFT airdrops badges to pre-alpha testers

NFT Badges

In an exciting announcement, Habbo NFT has revealed that it has airdropped badges to all avatar owners who participated in the pre-alpha last September. The move is seen as a token of appreciation for those who took part in the early stages of the platform’s development.

The announcement was made on Habbo NFT’s official Twitter account, where the company shared the news with its followers. According to the post, the badges are only usable on Habbo X and cannot be transferred or sold without forfeiting their use on the platform.

A total of 1,100 badges were distributed to pre-alpha avatar owners, making them a rare item on Habbo X. As the first ever tradable badge on the platform, they may be worth holding onto for those who want to preserve their rarity.

The move is seen as a positive step for Habbo X, which is still in the early stages of development. It demonstrates the platform’s commitment to engaging with its users and rewarding those who have helped shape the platform into what it is today!

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