Habbo X


Habbo is one of the world’s oldest internet-based games. With over 21 years of history, more than 18,000 unique items created, an iconic art style and a rapidly growing list of NFTs and associated integrations, it’s a bustling, vibrant, sandbox-style location in the metaverse with an extremely passionate and active community.


Habbo Avatars

There are two Habbo Avatar collections: Genesis Avatars and and Master Genesis Avatars. Master Genesis avatars are the combination of two Genesis Avatars, which results in Master Genesis being given double perks. For example, double airdrops.
Utility in Habbo

– Active Habbo Builders Club and Habbo Club membership ($15/month)

– Exclusive looks: no way to replicate them

Utility in Habbo X

– Room included with the avatar
– Exclusive looks
– Highest earnings tier: play and earn the most

Utility in the Habbo NFT ecosystem

– Earn Emeralds: between 10 – 13 per day
– Get airdrops of in-game NFT items usable in Habbo and Habbo X

Other utility

– Perks and entry to external metaworlds in which we buy and own land
– Merchandise: buy IRL Habbo clothing and get its metaverse equivalent too

Habbo Portraits

Portraits were a free mint for Habbo Avatar owners. Minting ended in January 2022. Portraits have less utility than Habbo Avatars but they still get some perks. Portraits will receive some of the same airdrops Avatars get. In Habbo X, portrait traits and looks can be used on your in-game avatar. Portraits receive between 5 – 8 Emeralds per day.

Emeralds Furni

The Habbo NFT ecosystem’s currency is called Emeralds. It is the fuel of the ecosystem that is needed to use features and purchase NFTs.

Portraits and avatars accumulate between 5-13 Emeralds per day.

The Emeralds are centralized and they cannot be purchased from DEXes. But users can mint Emerald furni on the website which can be sold and/or exchanged back into Emeralds. They can also be used in-game as furniture items to show off your wealth, just like other NFT furni.

Emeralds are needed for things like crafting, minting Master Genesis Avatars, purchasing in-game NFT items, minting NFT rooms in Habbo X, and much more.

Habbo aims to include limited numbers of NFTs from their parent company’s (Azerion) NFT projects to be purchasable with Emeralds.

In-game Habbo items

Airdropped to Habbo Avatar and sometimes to portrait owners.

Immediate utility: You can use these items in Habbo and in Habbo X when it releases!

There’s already a community of 500,000 active users who can use these items in Habbo. Habbo aims to create an in-game NFT marketplace to facilitate NFT trading in Habbo.

In-game Habbo NFTs are ERC721 tokens and are released on layer 2 solution Immutable X.

Crafting: some items are upgradable. I.e. you can burn five bronze Holo Steampunk Robots to get a gold one.

Habbo X NFT Rooms

To be released in 2022 with Habbo X. Rooms will be used in Habbo X for creating play-to-earn games.

Room owners can charge entrance fees or participation fees.

Habbo Avatars will have a room included with their avatar.

There will be five sizes: small, standard, large, X-large, and XX-large.

Rooms are upgradable: You can use Emeralds to make the room larger. For example, upgrading a small room to standard will cost 500 Emeralds*

Habbo X

Habbo X: Design philosophy

“We want to create a place where anyone can create and host their own play-to-earn games. We also want Habbo X to be a hub for all NFT projects, and we will provide these projects with the tools needed to engage their communities there.”  – Muumiopappa

Habbo NFT also wants to engage the current Habbo community and incentivize playing both the existing game as well as Habbo X.

Habbo X: NFT rooms

Rooms are the core of Habbo. Your own rooms are where you can go to unleash your creativity. While in the current Habbo you get your room for free and you pay for the items you put in it, in Habbo X this is reversed: you have to buy and own your room but you have a huge selection of items and
furniture to build your room with.

Room owners can create games, social hubs… pretty much anything they want. They can charge a fee for room entry or for participating in a game.

There will be items that can automate the reward giving process: you’ll be able to set it so that winners receive NFTs, Emeralds or ERC-20 tokens from your wallet. The core loop here is simple: create a game with good rewards so others want to play your game, and you earn from the participation fee.

But you don’t have to build games or charge any fees. You can also create fun community areas for others to hang out in.

There are five room sizes which dictate how many tiles there are in the room and which layouts you can use. The rooms are upgradable: you can use Emeralds to permanently increase the size of your room.

Remember: Habbo Avatar NFTs include one of these rooms

Habbo X: avatars and perks

Your Ethereum wallet is your account in Habbo X. You can use ENS and Nametag as your name. Some names will be blacklisted, however.

The default look for all avatars is the same. You can change the looks by:

Every avatar will include

Every avatar will include a room that is similar to NFT rooms. If you sell your
avatar, you will lose the room associated with the avatar. Genesis Avatars start with a standard room and Master Genesis start with a large room. You can upgrade them with NFT credits.

All players will have small demo room

All players will have a small demo room where they can test out room building. These demo rooms cannot be used for play-to-earn games and will have strict limits on the number of other users allowed in concurrently.

Avatar renting feature

Habbo will also implement avatar renting feature where you can rent an avatar from an owner, and enjoy Habbo Avatar perks in Habbo X. The main reason why you would want to do this is to get the maximum earnings from your playing time.

Habbo X: room blueprints

Building a game in Habbo can be tricky, particularly if the game itself is complex. We do not expect everyone to be able to create these games. Indeed, there are expert builders in Habbo who can help you out!

Habbo NFT will release a blueprint feature where anyone can create a cool room design or a game and sell it as a blueprint. The builder can set the price and number of blueprints available.

Anyone can purchase a blueprint, but you need an NFT room or a Habbo Avatar to be able to use the blueprint. In addition, the room will need to have enabled the layout in the blueprint, i.e., it will need to be the right size.

Habbo X: play-and-earn

There are several ways you can earn by playing Habbo X:

Depending on the NFTs you own, you’ll be able to earn different amounts while playing Habbo X: For example, if a game drops 10 currency, free to play players earn 10 currency, collab partners get 50 currency and Habbo Avatar player receives between 100-200 currency (final multiplier TBD).


Our team has launched a new website for the release of Habbo Hotel: Origins.