Week 42 - 2022

Welcome to our third edition of Room of the Week!
Every week, we will look at the NFT rooms you submit on our Discord or Twitter!

This week we have chosen the NFT Bank Game of user Beck.eth.

What inspired you to make this room?

In all honesty it was the NFT Shroud Statues. I have a soft spot for habbo statues so I tried to make them the main feature of the build.

How long have you been building?

I would like to say that I have been building for years but looking back on my old builds, they were horrible. I would like to think my building skills has drastically improved over the past 2 years. Playing around with BC does help a whole lot.

What's your opinion on the NFT project?

I initially got into it for the perks as I wanted to build with the perm BC. However, over time, I have gotten more invested in the future of habbo and how it will benefit the community as a whole.

Can you share something about your next project?

At the moment, I do not have any specific projects lined up. However, I definitely cannot wait to be inspired by whatever NFT furni habbo decides to drop next!

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