Alphagenics – Furni.Wiki Founder

Hello Alphagenics! Thank you for agreeing to interview with me! To start it off, not many people know much about you. Would you like to share with me some of your interests and hobbies?

Thank you for inviting me to this interview. I’m a freelancer and I build ecommerce websites. Interestingly, I’d also call this my hobby as I’ve built my first website when I was 12. I am also quite a foodie, so I love trying out new foods and restaurants. I love Japanese food and I hope to travel to Japan next year.

When did you start playing Habbo and how did you get introduced to it?

I started playing in 2004, when I saw an advertisement on MSN Messenger. I clicked on it, created a Habbo and the rest is history.

How would you describe your journey playing Habbo throughout the years?

My journey started on, which later merged with Like many people back then, I begged for free furni and got a fish. I traded my way up to a full room of rares. I also joined when it opened and I’ve been active there as well. I left Habbo around 2008 and only logged in occasionally to see if Habbo still existed. Luckily it was enough to keep my account from getting deleted until 2022.

What made you gain interest in NFT’s? Is Habbo the first NFT project you invest in?

The first time I heard about NFTs, I was very skeptical about it. It just didn’t make sense for me to spend real money on JPEG pictures. While learning more about NFTs, I thought that Habbo would be a perfect fit for NFTs. To my surprise, they already had a few NFT furni. My first purchase was a portrait and shortly later I bought my first avatar.

What is

As the name implies, it is a wiki about (Habbo) furni. Specifically, it focuses around the Habbo NFT project. The aim is to keep track of all the furni in a central place, so that we can easily look it up in the future.

What inspired you to create

It might sound a bit cheesy, but it was the crew. OG just launched while iason and Demigod were talking about launching Palsternakka and Habbo3. Interestingly, all four websites complement each other quite well with very little overlap.

Why did you choose the name

I initially called it, but it wasn’t very brandable and there was possible confusion with Habboxwiki. It was OG who first suggested and it made sense to me as it’s quite short and brandable.

What’s the long-term goal with your website?

I hope that becomes the number 1 place to look anything up related to Habbo NFT. Right now it’s mostly me who takes care to keep it up-to-date, but in the future I hope there will be a few volunteers who can help out and maybe even take over the project if I ever get bored of it.

What are your thoughts about the Habbo NFT Discord community?

I’m not very active in other Discord communities, so it’s a bit difficult for me to make any comparisons. Overall I find the Habbo NFT community very helpful and welcoming. I love discussing new furni releases and Habbo economics.

Do you have any favorite memories or funny moments that come to your mind from the NFT server?

So far my favorite moment was the Habbo NFT anniversary. The gifts were a BIG surprise to me.

What’s a furni release that you consider a HIT and one that you consider a MISS and why?

My favorite furni so far is the Superstonk Duck. It’s very fitting for Habbo NFT. I really look forward to seeing more ducks in the future. If I had to choose a MISS, it would be the Skeleton. It’s rather large and it doesn’t look very LTD.

What do you expect from Habbo X? What do you look forward to the most?

I really love Muumiopappa’s Habbo X vision and I believe that it’s heading in the right direction. Right now I look most forward to trait editing. I made all my avatar purchases with trait editing in mind.

If you could design the next NFT furni, what would it be?

It would be a duck with text below it (like the Superstonk Duck). I really look forward to collecting more ducks as I can see them becoming collectibles in the future.

Do you have a favorite avatar and a favorite portrait? Which one is it and Why?

My favorite is avatar is the zombie avatar that I recently bought (#1252). It looks very clean even without trait editing.

Hello Alphagenics! Thank you for agreeing to interview with me! To start it off, not many people know much about you. Would you like to share with me some of your interests and hobbies?

Thank you for inviting me to this interview. I’m a freelancer and I build ecommerce websites. Interestingly, I’d also call this my hobby as I’ve built my first website when I was 12. I am also quite a foodie, so I love trying out new foods and restaurants. I love Japanese food and I hope to travel to Japan next year.

When did you start playing Habbo and how did you get introduced to it?

I started playing in 2004, when I saw an advertisement on MSN Messenger. I clicked on it, created a Habbo and the rest is history.

How would you describe your journey playing Habbo throughout the years?

My journey started on, which later merged with Like many people back then, I begged for free furni and got a fish. I traded my way up to a full room of rares. I also joined when it opened and I’ve been active there as well. I left Habbo around 2008 and only logged in occasionally to see if Habbo still existed. Luckily it was enough to keep my account from getting deleted until 2022.

What made you gain interest in NFT’s? Is Habbo the first NFT project you invest in?

The first time I heard about NFTs, I was very skeptical about it. It just didn’t make sense for me to spend real money on JPEG pictures. While learning more about NFTs, I thought that Habbo would be a perfect fit for NFTs. To my surprise, they already had a few NFT furni. My first purchase was a portrait and shortly later I bought my first avatar.

What is

As the name implies, it is a wiki about (Habbo) furni. Specifically, it focuses around the Habbo NFT project. The aim is to keep track of all the furni in a central place, so that we can easily look it up in the future.

What inspired you to create

It might sound a bit cheesy, but it was the crew. OG just launched while iason and Demigod were talking about launching Palsternakka and Habbo3. Interestingly, all four websites complement each other quite well with very little overlap.

Why did you choose the name

I initially called it, but it wasn’t very brandable and there was possible confusion with Habboxwiki. It was OG who first suggested and it made sense to me as it’s quite short and brandable.

What’s the long-term goal with your website?

I hope that becomes the number 1 place to look anything up related to Habbo NFT. Right now it’s mostly me who takes care to keep it up-to-date, but in the future I hope there will be a few volunteers who can help out and maybe even take over the project if I ever get bored of it.

What are your thoughts about the Habbo NFT Discord community?

I’m not very active in other Discord communities, so it’s a bit difficult for me to make any comparisons. Overall I find the Habbo NFT community very helpful and welcoming. I love discussing new furni releases and Habbo economics.

Do you have any favorite memories or funny moments that come to your mind from the NFT server?

So far my favorite moment was the Habbo NFT anniversary. The gifts were a BIG surprise to me.

What’s a furni release that you consider a HIT and one that you consider a MISS and why?

My favorite furni so far is the Superstonk Duck. It’s very fitting for Habbo NFT. I really look forward to seeing more ducks in the future. If I had to choose a MISS, it would be the Skeleton. It’s rather large and it doesn’t look very LTD to me.

What do you expect from Habbo X? What do you look forward to the most?

I really love Muumiopappa’s Habbo X vision and I believe that it’s heading in the right direction. Right now I look most forward to trait editing. I made all my avatar purchases with trait editing in mind.

If you could design the next NFT furni, what would it be?

It would be a duck with text below it (like the Superstonk Duck). I really look forward to collecting more ducks as I can see them becoming collectibles in the future.

Do you have a favorite avatar and a favorite portrait? Which one is it and Why?

My favorite is avatar is the zombie avatar that I recently bought (#1252). It looks very clean even without trait editing.

One Response

  1. At Habbo3 we use the furni wiki a lot, I also have to admit I steal pictures from it all the time! :’]
    But, that’s ok…. we are partners… right?

    Thank you for the interview Alpha, keep up the great work!

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Our team has launched a new website for the release of Habbo Hotel: Origins.