Hello Muumiopappa, first of all I would like to thank you first for accepting the invite with me on behalf of Habbo3, which was just recently announced as an Official Community Partner for Habbo NFT. We really appreciate your valuable time and for kindly accepting this invite.
Hi! Thanks for your patience. As we are gearing towards December it took a while to find enough time to answer all these questions. Below you can find my replies to your questions.
I think we are all curious, when did you first discover what were NFT’s and how?
I heard about NFTs the first time when there was the huge Beeble sale. Around the same time there was lots of hype around NBA Top Shot and I remember some podcast I was listening to was talking about printing money with the Top Shot drops. Because of the Beeble sale and the overall hype, the CEO of Sulake asked me if I know anything about NFTs and if we can do anything with them so I started looking into it. Being a collector myself I started looking into NBA Top Shot and decided to give it a try. My first NFT was a Zach Lavine moment I bought on the 22nd of March, 2021.

What were your initial thoughts about NFT’s?
I first thought both crypto and NFTs are dumb. I didn’t see a point to it. But when I started to collect NBA moments, I realized that this is absolutely perfect for collectors. I have quite a few Magic the Gathering cards, Ice Hockey cards, etc. irl but buying and especially selling them in their physical form is a hassle. With NFTs, I can do it from my computer in my underwear and that was the realization that first got me to think that NFTs actually are the future. The tech is perfect for collecting digital goods. I started buying more NFTs and reading about it and the more I researched it, the more it felt that this must be where the digital world is going in the next few years.

How has your journey been working with Sulake? What positions have you had inside the company?
I’ve been at Sulake for nine years already and I have enjoyed it a lot. The atmosphere is fantastic and I think the teams are great. Especially the NFT team. I’ve had tons of offers from other companies but because I loved working at Sulake I haven’t even come close to switching jobs. I started as a BI Specialist (basically a Data Scientist) and worked on that for about six years. I’ve always loved to design game features and as I saw from the data what worked and what didn’t, I always kept pitching new ideas to Hotel Hideaway and Habbo. At some point, management decided to make me the Lead Game Designer for Hotel Hideaway and I did that until Summer 2021 when we started working on the NFT project. As the NFT drop was successful, I started leading the team and the work on Habbo X and Habbo NFTs.

How did the initial talks start about implementing an NFT project? How was it brought up?
While I was collecting more and more NFTs I started realizing that this is the perfect tech for games. There was some discussion on Twitter in Spring 2021 what Web3 and NFTs mean for gaming (free to play gaming especially) and I couldn’t agree more. Games are the ideal place for NFTs as players are already spending money on digital goods. With NFTs, you can actually own and sell them and to me, that is revolutionary. I’ve actually stopped playing mobile games unless they have NFTs as I want to own the things I buy. So I started preaching about this internally and at first I was thinking what we could do with NFTs in Hotel Hideaway. However, as Habbo is more suited due to the fact the brand is considerably bigger and it’s a desktop game more than a mobile game, we pivoted to Habbo quite fast. Since the CEO was already interested in NFTs, I got the green light to start designing what we can do with NFTs in Habbo. We had lots of options at first what we could release first as NFTs but as the “NFT meta” was all about profile pictures, Avatars felt like the natural fit.

How did the team inside the office react to such a big idea for Habbo?
Many didn’t know what NFTs are so there was lots of confusion. Especially as during Summer 2021 NFTs started mooning, there was confusion also why people would want to pay anything for digital ape pics. As I had been in the NFT space for a few months and I was already thinking about these exact things I had the answers ready. We had a few company-wide calls where I explained what NFTs are and why they will revolutionize free to play gaming, the team(s) actually got very excited about the project. Also, there were people tweeting organically about NFTs and Habbo, and how the NFT tech would be perfect for it, so showing those tweets made people realize that there must be something there.

How did the name Habbo X come to mind? Were there any other options on the table or did everyone else agree on the same name?
We haven’t set that name in stone yet. We still have some other options but basically we started using that name internally as the “working title” due to the fact there’s nine Habbo servers currently and this would be the tenth one. And the name stuck. We will take a hard look at the branding before public beta and before we start any major marketing campaigns though.

How are the project decisions implemented between the team? In terms of bringing it up, design, and approvals etc.?)
Most of the designs are coming from me and we talk about them within the team. Whether it makes sense both from users’ and also from a tech point of view. So basically, I came up with the roadmap and then design each feature we have on the roadmap. Then we go over the roadmap and the designs with the team and assess whether to implement them or not. We also show the plans to the management and they have a say on the plans we have. But I want to shout out that several team members are also coming up with great ideas and we also get lots of ideas from the community. As there are more and more things we need to design in the future (at least finalize the designs) we will most likely start looking for a game designer to help me out with these things.

How did you and everyone else in the office felt seeing that it sold out on the auction day?
That was a crazy day. It was about 6pm to 8pm here in Helsinki and I was on a call with our CEO when the snowball really started rolling. There was huge excitement in the office and in our Slack the whole night. And the excitement wasn’t really about the revenue or anything like that. It was about making something exciting and feeling that we are on the verge of something big. I have had people coming to me and say that they were feeling jaded with their work but this got them excited all over again. And the excitement is more about what this means to Habbo and the brand overall – not just Avatar NFTs. My feeling is that the NFT drop and the project overall has revitalized Habbo both internally but also externally.

What does a day at work look like for you? Could you describe your routine, and what are your daily tasks and goals every day?
I start my day by taking my kid to the daycare after which I take a long walk. I usually work from home so in order to get some exercise I take about an hour long walk in the morning. I get back home around 9am, make some coffee and start reading and replying to messages. Nowadays, I have tons of calls with different teams so that takes most of my day. While I’m not in the calls I do some designing and overall management stuff. By far my favorite thing is to think and design utility and features which is starting to be a problem as the project is getting bloated with features 😅

What has been the biggest challenge in getting the NFT Project to where it is now? Looking back at the very beginning up until now, has there been anything that you wish had been done differently in the project?
First of all, I think we are currently at a very good place and that is due to the fantastic team we have. We are pretty much the only project that has increased the floor price during the bear market and the percentage of Avatars available in the marketplaces is super low. So instead of thinking of getting it where it is now, I would say that the biggest challenge we have had to get the project to take off even better, has been marketing.
I am no marketing expert and we have used several “experts” with no luck so far. We haven’t wanted to resort to the methods some other projects use such as paid influencer marketing – not sure if that has been the right call; I hope it is. I truly believe that if we are able to just get the word out of what we have been doing and will be doing in the future, the project can really take off. However, I’ve seen similar problems with other gaming projects such as PX Quest and Valeria Games – and that is due to the overall sentiment in the market where “investors” want quick flips so projects that take their time to build have been valued less. So what I would have done differently, especially knowing what I know now about the market and marketing, is how to get more eyes on the project and keep the hype up right after the mint.
Luckily I don’t think we are too late with that yet as to me it is important to have the game out before doing any big marketing campaigns. That is also the reason why we haven’t rushed any major mints this year: I want the game to support the drop (in our case, the rooms) when we do the drop. I want you to be able to go and use your room right after you bought it. And this is also the reason we will start off small drop only a very limited number of rooms this year – to make sure the tech is there.
Has anything that’s been released or that’s on the roadmap proven to be more challenging than your team estimated/anticipated?
Yes, several things actually. Starting with querying data from the blockchain which took a couple of months more than we originally thought it would take. Overall, the challenge is that several of the features we have planned are more difficult to do due to the fact that Habbo is old. Pets is a good example: the tech hasn’t been touched in years so the team had to learn how to do them. Then stuff that touches both OG Habbo and Habbo X, like minting items from your inventory, is also challenging. So I would say about 50% of the stuff we do is more complex than we originally estimated just because we are touching features of Habbo that haven’t been touched in ages. But there are also cases that are considerably easier to do because there’s tech in Habbo we can repurpose quite easily. So it isn’t all bad news.

If you had unlimited resources to work on the project, what’s something you would prioritize getting into the roadmap?
We have a design for this actually – What Habbo X would look like if we would have unlimited resources. I’m not going to tell you what that is as I’m still hoping to get those resources and make that game 😬 At the very least, we are going to use parts of the design regardless of our resources. All I can say is that the world would be bigger…

Ever since Habbo NFT was created, we have had many community made tools and websites created, how does it make you feel seeing these contributions from the community? Have you actively visited any of the community made tools?
I love! And I love as well! I’ve been meaning to contact them both and talk about some official collab. Also one thing I’ve been playing around a lot recently has been’s imager. To me, community made tools are fantastic and a really important addition to the ecosystem. Many games I’ve played the community made tools are must haves and they help the project/game a lot.

Habbo NFT has been a gateway into NFT’s for a lot of legacy players, what’s something you’ve learned from being a source for so many new users into the space?
It is great that we are able to bring more people to Web3 and NFTs. And we want to do more on that front. To me, NFTs is a win-win tech as both the players and the company benefits from it. Of course, the main learning still has to be that we are early and we need to figure out better ways to onboard players to NFTs. It is simply too much work for a player to get a Metamask wallet, write down your seed phrase (and write on a paper and never share it!), buy crypto, bridge crypto, find a marketplace, etc. etc. … We have ideas how to improve that and I hope we are able to do it but as we are one of the first projects (games) battling this issue, there’s very few ready made solutions for it. The goal in the end is that you don’t have to care about wallets nor crypto – you can just login to the game and buy the things you want to buy with a credit card. All the Web3 stuff happens under the hood.
Let’s say you get to look 2 years into the future, what would you expect to see from the project?
Habbo X is released, we have millions of players and we keep adding new features and running nice events all the time. Ideally, I get those unlimited resources and we have released the full Habbo X experience with all the crazy ideas out by then 😅 But overall, this space moves so fast it is difficult to predict what happens in the next six months, not to mention two years. We have stuff planned for the next three years at least so we will keep building. But we are ready to shift our focus very quickly if we need to.

If you could design the next NFT furni, and a new avatar trait, what would it be?
A massive trippy dragon. There’s a reason why I’m not part of the art team 😅 For Avatars I would love some pop culture stuff; e.g., a vault suit.
Outside of Habbo, what other hobbies or activities do you enjoy?
Gaming. I play whenever I can. Currently, I’m playing Horizon Forbidden West which is one of my favorite games of all time already (I loved Zero Dawn). It’s progressing slowly unfortunately as I have to wait for my kids to go to sleep so I can play. I also play Minecraft with my kids. If I’m not gaming, I watch sports; NHL, Premier League and now the World Cup. Oh, and I watch quite a lot of TV – I’m super bummed out that Westworld was cancelled.

What inspires you daily to keep creating, and working hard to keep the community satisfied?
I love games and working in a gaming company. I also love thinking and designing new things. That is where most of my motivation is coming from. It is also extremely fun to work with such a talented group of people and see the progress we are making.
Mini AMA
Thanks to: Jess, iason, Live-Ale, OG, Knight, Alphagenics and Spacey
Have you considered changing how the NFT crafting and upgrading works?
Yes. And not just considered but there’s an update coming very soon!
With new NFT Marketplaces being made and promoting 0% creator fees, how do you plan to monetize Habbo NFT in the Future?
The royalties are super important for the NFT space in general. I wrote my thoughts about it on Twitter. However, for us royalties are just a small part of revenue. We will do NFT Room drops which we hope will bring enough revenue that we can keep the lights on. We are planning on adding some other revenue sources in the future as well when Habbo X is fully released.

Could we get a hint of the NFT pets? Haha, something to get us excited for the Habbo3 readers?
Team is working hard on that. The pet tech is something that hasn’t been touched in ages so it has been a challenge to get them done this year. We are still hopeful that we are able to do the drop in December. This first drop is more of a test to get everything working so we can start doing more pets in the future. So don’t get too excited about it yet.

Are you looking to add any further credit earning mechanisms in the near term?
Yes we are. Rooms will be a huge potential credit sink but also a gaining mechanism. As we have always talked about, the main earning should happen through Habbo X and its rooms. Our goal for the next few months is that you can start earning NFT credits from your room.

You had spoken a little earlier in the year about a potential Habbo usernames NFT Collection, as we get closer to Alpha 1, are there any more details on the minting process and exactly who gets first to claim a name, and when it may arrive?
This is something for next year. I don’t have a timetable for that yet but it needs to be ready at the latest when we open the game to the public. As for who gets to pick the name first, current thinking is that we will reserve the Habbo names so you are able to get your Habbo name. If the same name is used on several servers, Avatar holders get the first dibs, and then it’s first come first served. So for example, if there are two Muumiopappa names in Habbo, first to claim it will get the name and the second will get the name + server (e.g., Muumiopappa-fi or something similar). We are still fine tuning the details.
There has been talks about interoperability in the past, but has the team considered providing tools like APIs for developers to build on top of Habbo? This would expand and facilitate the creation of content within Habbo by the community.
We are thinking of different ways players could create content. I have some ideas around that and at the very least rooms will be like that. My goal is also to provide everyone with the tools (regardless if you own a room or an avatar, or not) a sandbox type of environment where you can go and build anything you like. You would still need a room to be able to use your design in Habbo X but you could sell your design and monetize your skills that way even without a room. I also have an idea for Avatars where you could create something with your Avatars but more about that next year. As for APIs, I would love to have that and give everyone the option to start creating cool clothes and furnies. However, we are still quite far away from that at the moment but I hope that eventually (in the next three to five years) we could have something like that.
I think we are all curious, when did you first discover what were NFT’s and how?
I heard about NFTs the first time when there was the huge Beeble sale. Around the same time there was lots of hype around NBA Top Shot and I remember some podcast I was listening to was talking about printing money with the Top Shot drops. Because of the Beeble sale and the overall hype, the CEO of Sulake asked me if I know anything about NFTs and if we can do anything with them so I started looking into it. Being a collector myself I started looking into NBA Top Shot and decided to give it a try. My first NFT was a Zach Lavine moment I bought on the 22nd of March, 2021.

What were your initial thoughts about NFT’s?
I first thought both crypto and NFTs are dumb. I didn’t see a point to it. But when I started to collect NBA moments, I realized that this is absolutely perfect for collectors. I have quite a few Magic the Gathering cards, Ice Hockey cards, etc. irl but buying and especially selling them in their physical form is a hassle. With NFTs, I can do it from my computer in my underwear and that was the realization that first got me to think that NFTs actually are the future. The tech is perfect for collecting digital goods. I started buying more NFTs and reading about it and the more I researched it, the more it felt that this must be where the digital world is going in the next few years.

How has your journey been working with Sulake? What positions have you had inside the company?
I’ve been at Sulake for nine years already and I have enjoyed it a lot. The atmosphere is fantastic and I think the teams are great. Especially the NFT team. I’ve had tons of offers from other companies but because I loved working at Sulake I haven’t even come close to switching jobs. I started as a BI Specialist (basically a Data Scientist) and worked on that for about six years. I’ve always loved to design game features and as I saw from the data what worked and what didn’t, I always kept pitching new ideas to Hotel Hideaway and Habbo. At some point, management decided to make me the Lead Game Designer for Hotel Hideaway and I did that until Summer 2021 when we started working on the NFT project. As the NFT drop was successful, I started leading the team and the work on Habbo X and Habbo NFTs.

How did the initial talks start about implementing an NFT project? How was it brought up?
While I was collecting more and more NFTs I started realizing that this is the perfect tech for games. There was some discussion on Twitter in Spring 2021 what Web3 and NFTs mean for gaming (free to play gaming especially) and I couldn’t agree more. Games are the ideal place for NFTs as players are already spending money on digital goods. With NFTs, you can actually own and sell them and to me, that is revolutionary. I’ve actually stopped playing mobile games unless they have NFTs as I want to own the things I buy. So I started preaching about this internally and at first I was thinking what we could do with NFTs in Hotel Hideaway. However, as Habbo is more suited due to the fact the brand is considerably bigger and it’s a desktop game more than a mobile game, we pivoted to Habbo quite fast. Since the CEO was already interested in NFTs, I got the green light to start designing what we can do with NFTs in Habbo. We had lots of options at first what we could release first as NFTs but as the “NFT meta” was all about profile pictures, Avatars felt like the natural fit.

How did the team inside the office react to such a big idea for Habbo?
Many didn’t know what NFTs are so there was lots of confusion. Especially as during Summer 2021 NFTs started mooning, there was confusion also why people would want to pay anything for digital ape pics. As I had been in the NFT space for a few months and I was already thinking about these exact things I had the answers ready. We had a few company-wide calls where I explained what NFTs are and why they will revolutionize free to play gaming, the team(s) actually got very excited about the project. Also, there were people tweeting organically about NFTs and Habbo, and how the NFT tech would be perfect for it, so showing those tweets made people realize that there must be something there.

How did the name Habbo X come to mind? Were there any other options on the table or did everyone else agree on the same name?
We haven’t set that name in stone yet. We still have some other options but basically we started using that name internally as the “working title” due to the fact there’s nine Habbo servers currently and this would be the tenth one. And the name stuck. We will take a hard look at the branding before public beta and before we start any major marketing campaigns though.

How are the project decisions implemented between the team? In terms of bringing it up, design, and approvals etc.?)
Most of the designs are coming from me and we talk about them within the team. Whether it makes sense both from users’ and also from a tech point of view. So basically, I came up with the roadmap and then design each feature we have on the roadmap. Then we go over the roadmap and the designs with the team and assess whether to implement them or not. We also show the plans to the management and they have a say on the plans we have. But I want to shout out that several team members are also coming up with great ideas and we also get lots of ideas from the community. As there are more and more things we need to design in the future (at least finalize the designs) we will most likely start looking for a game designer to help me out with these things.

How did you and everyone else in the office felt seeing that it sold out on the auction day?
That was a crazy day. It was about 6pm to 8pm here in Helsinki and I was on a call with our CEO when the snowball really started rolling. There was huge excitement in the office and in our Slack the whole night. And the excitement wasn’t really about the revenue or anything like that. It was about making something exciting and feeling that we are on the verge of something big. I have had people coming to me and say that they were feeling jaded with their work but this got them excited all over again. And the excitement is more about what this means to Habbo and the brand overall – not just Avatar NFTs. My feeling is that the NFT drop and the project overall has revitalized Habbo both internally but also externally.

What does a day at work look like for you? Could you describe your routine, and what are your daily tasks and goals every day?
I start my day by taking my kid to the daycare after which I take a long walk. I usually work from home so in order to get some exercise I take about an hour long walk in the morning. I get back home around 9am, make some coffee and start reading and replying to messages. Nowadays, I have tons of calls with different teams so that takes most of my day. While I’m not in the calls I do some designing and overall management stuff. By far my favorite thing is to think and design utility and features which is starting to be a problem as the project is getting bloated with features 😅
What has been the biggest challenge in getting the NFT Project to where it is now? Looking back at the very beginning up until now, has there been anything that you wish had been done differently in the project?
First of all, I think we are currently at a very good place and that is due to the fantastic team we have. We are pretty much the only project that has increased the floor price during the bear market and the percentage of Avatars available in the marketplaces is super low. So instead of thinking of getting it where it is now, I would say that the biggest challenge we have had to get the project to take off even better, has been marketing.
I am no marketing expert and we have used several “experts” with no luck so far. We haven’t wanted to resort to the methods some other projects use such as paid influencer marketing – not sure if that has been the right call; I hope it is. I truly believe that if we are able to just get the word out of what we have been doing and will be doing in the future, the project can really take off. However, I’ve seen similar problems with other gaming projects such as PX Quest and Valeria Games – and that is due to the overall sentiment in the market where “investors” want quick flips so projects that take their time to build have been valued less. So what I would have done differently, especially knowing what I know now about the market and marketing, is how to get more eyes on the project and keep the hype up right after the mint.
Luckily I don’t think we are too late with that yet as to me it is important to have the game out before doing any big marketing campaigns. That is also the reason why we haven’t rushed any major mints this year: I want the game to support the drop (in our case, the rooms) when we do the drop. I want you to be able to go and use your room right after you bought it. And this is also the reason we will start off small drop only a very limited number of rooms this year – to make sure the tech is there.
Has anything that’s been released or that’s on the roadmap proven to be more challenging than your team estimated/anticipated?
Yes, several things actually. Starting with querying data from the blockchain which took a couple of months more than we originally thought it would take. Overall, the challenge is that several of the features we have planned are more difficult to do due to the fact that Habbo is old. Pets is a good example: the tech hasn’t been touched in years so the team had to learn how to do them. Then stuff that touches both OG Habbo and Habbo X, like minting items from your inventory, is also challenging. So I would say about 50% of the stuff we do is more complex than we originally estimated just because we are touching features of Habbo that haven’t been touched in ages. But there are also cases that are considerably easier to do because there’s tech in Habbo we can repurpose quite easily. So it isn’t all bad news.

If you had unlimited resources to work on the project, what’s something you would prioritize getting into the roadmap?
We have a design for this actually – What Habbo X would look like if we would have unlimited resources. I’m not going to tell you what that is as I’m still hoping to get those resources and make that game 😬 At the very least, we are going to use parts of the design regardless of our resources. All I can say is that the world would be bigger…

Ever since Habbo NFT was created, we have had many community made tools and websites created, how does it make you feel seeing these contributions from the community? Have you actively visited any of the community made tools?
I love! And I love as well! I’ve been meaning to contact them both and talk about some official collab. Also one thing I’ve been playing around a lot recently has been’s imager. To me, community made tools are fantastic and a really important addition to the ecosystem. Many games I’ve played the community made tools are must haves and they help the project/game a lot.

Habbo NFT has been a gateway into NFT’s for a lot of legacy players, what’s something you’ve learned from being a source for so many new users into the space?
It is great that we are able to bring more people to Web3 and NFTs. And we want to do more on that front. To me, NFTs is a win-win tech as both the players and the company benefits from it. Of course, the main learning still has to be that we are early and we need to figure out better ways to onboard players to NFTs. It is simply too much work for a player to get a Metamask wallet, write down your seed phrase (and write on a paper and never share it!), buy crypto, bridge crypto, find a marketplace, etc. etc. … We have ideas how to improve that and I hope we are able to do it but as we are one of the first projects (games) battling this issue, there’s very few ready made solutions for it. The goal in the end is that you don’t have to care about wallets nor crypto – you can just login to the game and buy the things you want to buy with a credit card. All the Web3 stuff happens under the hood.
Let’s say you get to look 2 years into the future, what would you expect to see from the project?
Habbo X is released, we have millions of players and we keep adding new features and running nice events all the time. Ideally, I get those unlimited resources and we have released the full Habbo X experience with all the crazy ideas out by then 😅 But overall, this space moves so fast it is difficult to predict what happens in the next six months, not to mention two years. We have stuff planned for the next three years at least so we will keep building. But we are ready to shift our focus very quickly if we need to.

If you could design the next NFT furni, and a new avatar trait, what would it be?
A massive trippy dragon. There’s a reason why I’m not part of the art team 😅 For Avatars I would love some pop culture stuff; e.g., a vault suit.
Outside of Habbo, what other hobbies or activities do you enjoy?
Gaming. I play whenever I can. Currently, I’m playing Horizon Forbidden West which is one of my favorite games of all time already (I loved Zero Dawn). It’s progressing slowly unfortunately as I have to wait for my kids to go to sleep so I can play. I also play Minecraft with my kids. If I’m not gaming, I watch sports; NHL, Premier League and now the World Cup. Oh, and I watch quite a lot of TV – I’m super bummed out that Westworld was cancelled.

What inspires you daily to keep creating, and working hard to keep the community satisfied?
I love games and working in a gaming company. I also love thinking and designing new things. That is where most of my motivation is coming from. It is also extremely fun to work with such a talented group of people and see the progress we are making.
Mini AMA
Thanks to: Jess, iason, Live-Ale, OG, Knight, Alphagenics and Spacey
Have you considered changing how the NFT crafting and upgrading works?
Yes. And not just considered but there’s an update coming very soon!
With new NFT Marketplaces being made and promoting 0% creator fees, how do you plan to monetize Habbo NFT in the Future?
The royalties are super important for the NFT space in general. I wrote my thoughts about it on Twitter. However, for us royalties are just a small part of revenue. We will do NFT Room drops which we hope will bring enough revenue that we can keep the lights on. We are planning on adding some other revenue sources in the future as well when Habbo X is fully released.

Could we get a hint of the NFT pets? Haha, something to get us excited for the Habbo3 readers?
Team is working hard on that. The pet tech is something that hasn’t been touched in ages so it has been a challenge to get them done this year. We are still hopeful that we are able to do the drop in December. This first drop is more of a test to get everything working so we can start doing more pets in the future. So don’t get too excited about it yet.

Are you looking to add any further credit earning mechanisms in the near term?
Yes we are. Rooms will be a huge potential credit sink but also a gaining mechanism. As we have always talked about, the main earning should happen through Habbo X and its rooms. Our goal for the next few months is that you can start earning NFT credits from your room.

You had spoken a little earlier in the year about a potential Habbo usernames NFT Collection, as we get closer to Alpha 1, are there any more details on the minting process and exactly who gets first to claim a name, and when it may arrive?
This is something for next year. I don’t have a timetable for that yet but it needs to be ready at the latest when we open the game to the public. As for who gets to pick the name first, current thinking is that we will reserve the Habbo names so you are able to get your Habbo name. If the same name is used on several servers, Avatar holders get the first dibs, and then it’s first come first served. So for example, if there are two Muumiopappa names in Habbo, first to claim it will get the name and the second will get the name + server (e.g., Muumiopappa-fi or something similar). We are still fine tuning the details.
There has been talks about interoperability in the past, but has the team considered providing tools like APIs for developers to build on top of Habbo? This would expand and facilitate the creation of content within Habbo by the community.
We are thinking of different ways players could create content. I have some ideas around that and at the very least rooms will be like that. My goal is also to provide everyone with the tools (regardless if you own a room or an avatar, or not) a sandbox type of environment where you can go and build anything you like. You would still need a room to be able to use your design in Habbo X but you could sell your design and monetize your skills that way even without a room. I also have an idea for Avatars where you could create something with your Avatars but more about that next year. As for APIs, I would love to have that and give everyone the option to start creating cool clothes and furnies. However, we are still quite far away from that at the moment but I hope that eventually (in the next three to five years) we could have something like that.
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