Sirjonasxx – Wired Rework Developer

Thank you for accepting an interview with us sirjonasxx!

Thank you for having me!

When and how did you first hear about Habbo? What hotel did you first join?

I am a true player, my friend introduced me to it way back in 2011, at peak popularity of the game!

What did you enjoy doing the most playing Habbo, when you started playing back then?

I guess I was a little into everything! I loved participating in competitions, hanging out and playing games. Wired was a little too expensive to get into when I was a noob, but I definitely already kept an eye out for it! I also loved finding bugs in the game.

What inspired your passion for wired and providing helpful feedback to the team?

My passion for wired came over a long period of time. I think I just got more and more fascinated by the concept. But it was quite easy to reach the limit of the possibilities of Wired in habbo, when I thought it shouldn’t.. It was basically the idea that there was so much to improve on, and actually developing some ideas for it, that drove me to propose the project to Sulake!

For the “providing helpful feedback to the team” question, it’s simply because I want the best for the game! I want to make sure my views are being heard when I feel it’s needed, just like a lot of other passionate community members.

How did you get in the Habbo Team as a Freelancer?

I guess I answered this question in the previous question already! When I proposed the project they seemed excited about it and it has been a big success so far.

Can you describe the process that goes into creating a new wired concept idea and executing it?

First we need an idea, and I think they can come from 3 different sources:

Of course just having an idea is not enough, it needs to be refined too. Some of the concepts that are coming for wired looked entirely differently when they were originally proposed to Sulake. For this part it really depends on the feature, most are pretty easy to refine, others take long.

The execution is then pretty simple, I implement it and it gets tested on sandbox with the help of the wired team!

What’s a challenging/time consuming part about coming up with new wired concepts?

Coming up with the ideas is not something time confusing but is also not something that can be forced. It’s the refining part that can sometimes be a little time consuming, so far that happened twice for larger concepts that are yet to come.

With all of the recent updates and improvements to wired, what would be the next big thing that wired could do to make the building and wiring experience in Habbo even better than it currently is? What’s your vision?

We truly haven’t seen anything yet! The wired rework & batch 8 is just the start of introducing actual new concepts. Almost everything before batch 8 is preliminary bugfixes and utility updates, that I feel were needed before going further

I can’t really spoil anything, but my vision is that anything is going to be possible! I think I summed my thoughts up pretty well in this twitter discussion where I argued that it is better to develop wired than it is to develop games for the game center.

This tweet from that thread sums up my vision:

I think it may sound like a far fetch right now, but wired really isn't at its best right now. Not a dead-end like you describe in your other tweet, imo wired isn't even at 1% of its capabilities

How did you feel when you started noticing a big audience on twitter providing you with a-lot of feedback to all of your contributions?

When it comes to feedback on wired, the discord server I currently maintain for the wired project is a more dominant source of feedback compared to twitter! But yeah, feedback is really important for me (both the good and the bad), and it is really awesome to see so many people enjoying it!

Have you had any contributions to anything on the NFT side?
(If yes, what have you contributed on)

So far, not really! I’m mostly involved with the Habbo side of things, behind the scenes. But I have been in some conversations with the NFT developers.

Apart from Habbo, what other games do you enjoy playing?

Rocket League and Genshin Impact would be the 2 main games I love outside of Habbo!

What are some activities that you enjoy doing on your free time/days off?

The 2 games from the previous question, watching series/films (I want to get into books too, but I’ve been saying that for a long time now without any success), seeing friends, and even though I work for Habbo now, I still enjoy hanging around on Habbo playing mazes and making games!

What most memorable memory comes to your mind from your journey playing Habbo?

That question is very hard, there’s been too many! That probably makes the journey itself the most memorable rather than any specific moment

I’d like to answer this question again after wired batch 10 is released though! It’s going to be awesome.

And finally, the question we ask in every interview….If you could design the next furni and the next NFT furni, what would you make?

Would love a trippy ray gun!

When and how did you first hear about Habbo? What hotel did you first join?

I am a true player, my friend introduced me to it way back in 2011, at peak popularity of the game!

What did you enjoy doing the most playing Habbo, when you started playing back then?

I guess I was a little into everything! I loved participating in competitions, hanging out and playing games. Wired was a little too expensive to get into when I was a noob, but I definitely already kept an eye out for it! I also loved finding bugs in the game

What inspired your passion for wired and providing helpful feedback to the team?

My passion for wired came over a long period of time. I think I just got more and more fascinated by the concept. But it was quite easy to reach the limit of the possibilities of Wired in habbo, when I thought it shouldn’t.. It was basically the idea that there was so much to improve on, and actually developing some ideas for it, that drove me to propose the project to Sulake! For the “providing helpful feedback to the team” question, it’s simply because I want the best for the game! I want to make sure my views are being heard when I feel it’s needed, just like a lot of other passionate community members.

How did you get in the Habbo Team as a Freelancer?

I guess I answered this question in the previous question already! When I proposed the project they seemed excited about it and it has been a big success so far.

Can you describe the process that goes into creating a new wired concept idea and executing it?

First we need an idea, and I think they can come from 3 different sources:

Of course just having an idea is not enough, it needs to be refined too. Some of the concepts that are coming for wired looked entirely differently when they were originally proposed to Sulake. For this part it really depends on the feature, most are pretty easy to refine, others take long.

The execution is then pretty simple, I implement it and it gets tested on sandbox with the help of the wired team!

What’s a challenging/time consuming part about coming up with new wired concepts?

Coming up with the ideas is not something time confusing but is also not something that can be forced. It’s the refining part that can sometimes be a little time consuming, so far that happened twice for larger concepts that are yet to come.

With all of the recent updates and improvements to wired, what would be the next big thing that wired could do to make the building and wiring experience in Habbo even better than it currently is? What’s your vision?

We truly haven’t seen anything yet! The wired rework & batch 8 is just the start of introducing actual new concepts. Almost everything before batch 8 is preliminary bugfixes and utility updates, that I feel were needed before going further

I can’t really spoil anything, but my vision is that anything is going to be possible! I think I summed my thoughts up pretty well in this twitter discussion where I argued that it is better to develop wired than it is to develop games for the game center.

This tweet from that thread sums up my vision:

I think it may sound like a far fetch right now, but wired really isn't at its best right now. Not a dead-end like you describe in your other tweet, imo wired isn't even at 1% of its capabilities

How did you feel when you started noticing a big audience on twitter providing you with a-lot of feedback to all of your contributions?

When it comes to feedback on wired, the discord server I currently maintain for the wired project is a more dominant source of feedback compared to twitter! But yeah, feedback is really important for me (both the good and the bad), and it is really awesome to see so many people enjoying it!

Have you had any contributions to anything on the NFT side? (If yes, what have you contributed on)

So far, not really! I’m mostly involved with the Habbo side of things, behind the scenes. But I have been in some conversations with the NFT developers.

Apart from Habbo, what other games do you enjoy playing?

Rocket League and Genshin Impact would be the 2 main games I love outside of Habbo!

What are some activities that you enjoy doing on your free time/days off?

The 2 games from the previous question, watching series/films (I want to get into books too, but I’ve been saying that for a long time now without any success), seeing friends, and even though I work for Habbo now, I still enjoy hanging around on Habbo playing mazes and making games!

What most memorable memory comes to your mind from your journey playing Habbo?

That question is very hard, there’s been too many! That probably makes the journey itself the most memorable rather than any specific moment. I’d like to answer this question again after wired batch 10 is released though! It’s going to be awesome.

And finally, the question we ask in every interview….If you could design the next furni and the next NFT furni, what would you make?

Would love a trippy ray gun!

Thank you for taking time to chat with us, it was a pleasure having you !

Thanks for having me!

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