Habbo NFT Announces New Furni and Trippy Recolors in Response to Community Feedback

Shop Updates

The community has expressed a desire for more NFT furni that can be purchased using NFT credits and for new NFT furni lines similar to how releases are done in Habbo. Additionally, there have been many requests for trippy recolors of existing Habbo items. The team is currently reviewing questions from a recent AMA, many of which touched on the topic of furni design and shop supply. In response to these requests, the designers are currently working on two new sets of furni and mini furni lines, as well as more trippy recolored classic rares to be released on a gradual basis. The team has not yet confirmed which classic rares will be recolored or if they will be limited edition. Additionally, a new item, the Retro Cocoa Machine, will be added to the shop the following day, which is not part of a wider release but is being added as a response to community requests. More information about the new lines will be provided in the near future.

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Our team has launched a new website for the release of Habbo Hotel: Origins.